ARP Rheumatology
ARP Rheumatology

Online first

ARP Rheumatology - Online first: 2024-07-20

Drugs and ANCA – an atypical association


Beirão T, Samões B, Rua C, Vieira R, Abelha-Aleixo J, Pinto P, Costa F, Fonseca D, Mota M, Meireles CA, Videira T


Eosinophilic vasculitis is a rare condition due to vascular damage and infiltration of eosinophils into tissues. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA), like perinuclear ANCA (p-ANCA), is common in the context of systemic vasculitis, but its association with illicit drug use is unusual. This case report showcases a distinctive scenario featuring a positive pANCA, prompting a meticulous examination of the interplay between vasculitic manifestations and drug abuse.

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Tiago Beirão, Beatriz Samões, Catarina Rua, Romana Vieira, Joana Abelha-Aleixo, Patricia Pinto, Flavio Costa, Diogo Fonseca, Margarida Mota, Catarina Amorim Meireles, Taciana Videira. Drugs and ANCA – an atypical association. ARP Rheumatology, 2024, online-first -
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