Oclusão de artéria axilar direita associada a acidente vascular cerebral como manifestação de arterite de Takayasu – relato de caso e revisão de literatura
Fabiano André Pereira; Heloína Lamha Machado Bonfante; Glaucia Helena Frizzero; Marcos Aurélio Moreira; Herval de Lacerda Bonfante;
Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) is an inflammatory chronic di -sease which damages large and medium caliber arte -ries, particularly aorta and its branches, and is morefrequent in young women, usually starting in those whoare less than 40 years old. The uncommon case reportedherein concerns a 39-year-old female patientwith damage of the right axillary artery only and stroke,emphasizing the need of arterial investigation in regionsnot usually affected by the disease.